Bonjour, Mon Chéri!
All over the world, there is a powerful appetite for skincare and beauty products. At the same time, people want products that are suitable for their skin type, products that fulfill their desires and match their culture and beauty routines. Thanks to our robust Research and Development processes, Mon Chéri’s products are inspirational internationally while remaining relevant locally.In a world where everything is changing at lightning speed, Mon Chéri has never stopped challenging and reinventing ourselves to serve our customers better. At the same time, we remain true to our founding vision: of being loved and to love. To cherish one’s inner and outer beauty. Every individual has the right to be beautiful.
I am confident that Mon Chéri has the building blocks for success. We have an iconic, loved and resilient BRAND; a robust distribution CHANNEL in digital and physical markets and great PRODUCTS that people love.
Caroline Oi
Founder and CEO of Mon Chéri